Tip: When To Aerate Your Lawn

The best time to aerate your lawn depends on the type of grass you have, the soil type, and how much traffic your lawn gets: 

  • When to aerate by grass type

    Cool-season grasses should be aerated in the spring and fall. 

  • When to aerate by soil type

    Heavy clay soils need to be aerated more frequently than sandy soils. 

  • When to aerate by traffic

    Lawns with high traffic may need to be aerated more frequently than lawns with little or no traffic. 

  • When to aerate by soil condition

    Aerate when the soil is soft but not soggy, such as a few days after it rains. Avoid aerating when the soil is frozen or dry. 

  • When to aerate by signs of compaction

    Aerate if your lawn has areas damaged by traffic, water that puddles or runs off, or a thick layer of thatch. 

You can test your soil’s compaction by trying to stick a screwdriver into the ground. If it goes in easily, your soil is probably in good shape. If it’s difficult to insert, it’s time to aerate. 

If you’re aerating and overseeding your lawn, you should aerate first to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. 

Automotive Repair Service!


Mathew J.

Mathew J.

Mr.Max has carried out various jobs such as dry wall repair, painting, furniture assembly, plumbing and minor electrical repairs. Has always been punctual, transparent, reliable and all tasks carried out with utmost integrity. Would certainly recommend his services.

Liana J.

Liana J.

Max helped with a couple of problems with my used car which I bought just over a year ago. The first problem was a loud squealing noise when I brake softly. Went to my car dealership many times but they could not find the problem! I was getting upset. Finally, I asked Max to take a look and he figured out there were deep grooves on the rear drums and shoes. Thankfully I was persistent to get rid of the noise and since I kept going to the dealership with this problem for about a year, the dealership called Nissan and the replacement was fully covered. I still can't figure out why the dealership couldn't figure out the problem.

Second time was a squeaky noise every time I go over a bump. Before I went to the dealership, I asked Max to take my car for a drive and right away he found the problem. The front control arms had cracks. With this knowledge, I went back to my dealership and see if they could figure it out and to my surprise (not really) they said my car was in perfect condition! Thankfully Max took several photos and I showed the dealership the problem. They were surprised, apologized, and replaced them as I had warranty.

Again, I'm very thankful Max found the problems. If he hadn't, I don't know how many more times I would be going back and forth to the dealership. So if your dealership can't find the problem to your car and you're unfamiliar with cars like me, contact Max. I'm sure he'd definitely be more than happy to help!

Cheryl S.

Cheryl S.

I used Mr Max to have repairs done on my son's Hyundai Elantra and brake work on my Honda Civic in Nov 2020. Very thorough, professional, affordable and honest. He also let me know how long before other things become due so I can watch for it and plan/budget ahead. Very good service.